Don't get stuck down the toilet.
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Down in the dumps after toilet traumaSep 5 2009 by Neil Preston, The Journal
A TEENAGER dubbed ‘poo girl’ has told of the horrific moment she got stuck down a toilet at a music festival.
Charlotte Taylor from Sunderland who became trapped in a portaloo at the Leeds festival when she attempted to retrieve her purse which had fallen into it
Charlotte Taylor was wedged in a Portaloo for 20 minutes at Leeds Festival after dropping her bag down the toilet and reaching down to get it.
The 18-year-old couldn’t reach her bag – which contained her phone, ticket and all her money – and lunged down to try to get it.
But poor Charlotte got her shoulders wedged and she had to be freed by a group of laughing firefighters.
Charlotte, an apprentice at Specsavers who lives in East Boldon, said: “I travelled down alone on the Friday night and met up with a group of about a dozen friends.
“On Saturday we got up late then went to see a few bands in the morning.
“About 12.30pm me and a friend went to the toilet. I had my handbag on my shoulder when I went into the cubicle.
“As I got up to leave I swung my body round to open the door and my handbag slipped off my arm and disappeared down the toilet.
“It was disgusting seeing my bag down the toilet in among all the poo.”
Charlotte had been to the festival last year and, after having money stolen from her tent, was this year carrying everything with her in her bag.
“It had my phone, ticket and all my money in so if I left it I wouldn’t have been able to get home, I would have been stranded.
“I put one hand down but I couldn’t reach so I put the other one down too to try and grab it.
“I had both my hands down the toilet. I was straining so far down that I got wedged.
“My shoulders were stuck on both sides and I couldn’t move at all.
“I was struggling and trying to get out and just made it worse.
“I kept saying to myself ‘Oh my God I can’t believe this is happening, it can’t be real’.
“I knew I couldn’t get out myself and was so embarrassed.”
But that was just the beginning of Charlotte’s humiliation.
She continued: “Soon my friend came to look for me because I had been so long. I told her I was stuck and needed help.
“My friend raised the alarm with some firefighters but they didn’t believe her and thought it was a joke.
“Eventually my friend persuaded them to come and look.
“They still thought it was a joke and loads of them came over. They stood looking at me for a while.
“Eventually they took the top of the toilet off so they could get to me.
“Two firefighters got hold of me on either side and pulled and pulled at me.
“They pulled so hard I got bruises on my hips and shoulders.
“Loads of people were now looking on and laughing at the scene. Eventually they got me out by sheer force. They took me away to the showers where I had to get undressed and I was hosed down. I went to the welfare tent to get some clothes so I could get back to my tent to get my own clothes.
“All of my friends were laughing at me when I told them what had happened.”
Soon the story of Charlotte’s ordeal spread among the thousands of festival-goers, with the rumours becoming wilder and wilder.
“Throughout the rest of the weekend I could hear people talking about it.
“The rumours got out of control – I heard one that a dwarf had fallen in and drowned.”
Charlotte’s mum Chris Taylor, 51, who runs a post office, said: “When Charlotte told me I just laughed.
“I felt bad for her but you have to laugh at these things.”