First up, how about a delightfully designy interior concept for toilet decor that makes you feel like you could hop on and ride off.

Next, check out something that only Japanese technology could inspire: Toto Bike.

Yup. A motorbike engineered by Toto, the fancy Japanese toilet maker, that runs on human waste. Is it for real? It's not clear. But it does have a lot of cool functions, that's got to count for something. You can even follow it on twitter! Though you have to be able to read Japanese, or be dedicated enough to google translate that shit. No pun intended. Well done Toto, you've outdone yourselves.
Here's a nice and dryly informative video from Reuters
And here's a really wonderfully amusing Japanese add for the potty bike. Wow. The guy riding it has a helmet with a sort of white turd on the top. Amazing.
Also, ever had your bicycle seat stolen right off your bike while it's locked up outside a coffee shop? If that's happened to you, then perhaps you should consider this? A new look, and one that thieves will have a harder time making off with.

I will leave you with one other thought, which is that there are a remarkable number of toilet and bicycle related videos on youtube.
And there are also a remarkable number of non-bicycle toilet videos.