Thursday, August 26, 2010


Why shouldn't the decor in the bathroom make you giggle?

This neighborhood cafe in Bermondsey, London reminds me why I like surprising decor. You go into the powder room for a purpose, but it's always nice to feel like you got something extra.

In this particular toilet, it's Samantha Fox and Patrick Swayze: epic heroes from the embarrassing past of fashion and photography.

And then, if you look closely, there's another added bonus to make you feel like you've strolled down memory lane:
Who wouldn't want to see a boyband throwback you probably used to have a crush on, while going to the toilet? But then again, does no one else feel slightly disrespectful doing their business while these polished celebrities literaly stare out at them in desperate flirtatious poses? It's almost like having an audience for an activity we feel should be very private.

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